Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 17/08/2023
HORA: 13:00
LOCAL: Produções audiovisuais de Educação Financeira para o VI Festival de Vídeos Digitais e Educação Matem

Audiovisual productions of Financial Education for the VI Festival of Digital Videos and Mathematics Education


Video Festival; Digital Technologies; Learning; Activty Theory, Mathematic

ÁREA: Ensino

In this research, we seek to understand the contributions to the learning of students' financial education, in the process of producing videos with digital technology, for the VI Festival of Digital Videos and Mathematics Education. To this end, we chose to produce digital videos, with the students of the 1st year "B" class, from a public education school, located in Campo Novo do Parecis - MT. The question that directs this research is: how can the process of producing videos, for the VI Festival of Digital Videos and Mathematics Education, contribute to the learning of financial education of the students involved? The context of data production is the process of producing mathematical digital videos by high school students, using digital technology and the participation of these videos in the VI Festival of Digital Videos and Mathematics Education. The theoretical foundation is based on research that relies on video production, namely: Activity Theory; Being-Human-With-Media Construct and Being-Human-With-Media System. This work adopted the qualitative methodology, which allowed us to understand the data production process and to perceive the mathematical and knowledge production of the student involved. For data production, we used field notes, questionnaire, focus group and participant observation. In the data analysis, we used the mini-cycles of expansive transformations. The class produced four videos, which were analyzed in this research. The video production process contributed to learning when the groups constituted their system, which revealed differences in relation to what was planned, with a change in the rules that were usual. In addition, by using different technologies in production, some of which were unknown until then, it was possible to learn something new. The students were the epistemic subjects of their learning. When in groups 01, 03 and 04, we realized that at various times the students had doubts and difficulties, going in search of solutions, we observed the occurrence of Minicyclone of Expansive Transformations and classified them according to the intensity. The data indicate that the production of videos addressing financial education enabled learning moments not experienced until then by students; these students were able to think about mathematics with digital technology, leading them to understand the contents. In addition to Mathematical learning, we note that students were given the opportunity to understand the importance of teamwork, as well as the development of skills related to the use of digital technology. This project has the financial support of the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Mato Grosso – FAPEMAT.

Presidente - 122182002 - DAISE LAGO PEREIRA SOUTO
Interno - 121144002 - CLÁUDIA LANDIN NEGREIROS
Externo à Instituição - MARCELO DE CARVALHO BORBA -
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/07/2023 10:32
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