Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 25/01/2021
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Vídeo conferência - Alta Floresta - MT

Phosphorus dynamics and fertility of Amazonian soils cultivated with pastures of different ages


Phosphorus fractionation, opening time, Amazonian soils, pastures.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Agrárias
ÁREA: Agronomia
SUBÁREA: Ciência do Solo
ESPECIALIDADE: Química do Solo

The process of opening and transforming forest areas in planted pastures, modifies the dynamics of the environment, changes the cycling and availability of nutrients, with P being one of the most affected elements. The objective was to evaluate the dynamics of P and the fertility of Amazonian soils cultivated with unfertilized pastures and with different opening times in relation to an area of native forest. The study was carried out in two properties in the northern region of Mato Grosso. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, in a split plot scheme for the sampling depths. In the property located in the municipality of Nova Guarita, the plots consisted of pasture areas of 15 and 30 years of age and an area of native forest. In the property located in the municipality of Alta Floresta the plots were composed of areas of 20 and 35 years old and an area of native forest. The subplots were at depths of 00-10 and 10-20 cm, with four repetitions. Within each experimental unit, ten soil samples were collected in layers 00-10 and 10-20 cm. For both properties the area of native forest showed the highest levels of nutrients at depth 00-10 cm. There was a significant isolated effect of the areas and depths for the labile P variable, with the native forest and 15-year-old pasture areas having the highest values at depth 00-10 and there was significant interaction for the P mod variable. labile, with the pasture of 15 years having the highest values. For the total P, there was an isolated effect of the depths, with the depth 00-10 showing the highest levels of the nutrient. For the property located in Alta Floresta the highest pH values were found in pasture areas, as well as for Ca, Mg and V%. The native forest area presented the highest levels of P, Al, H + Al, CTC and m%. There was an isolated effect of areas and depths for the levels of P in organic and mod form. labile. For inorganic and non-labile P, there was an isolated effect of the areas. The area conversion process influenced the chemical characteristics of the soil and the phosphorus fractions over time, showing the need for correct management in these areas to maintain soil fertility.

Presidente - 210865003 - GUSTAVO CAIONE
Externo ao Programa - 006.844.991-77 - GUILHERME FERREIRA FERBONINK - null
Externo ao Programa - 139362003 - EVANDRO LUIZ SCHONINGER
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/01/2021 08:15
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