Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 29/07/2020
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala Virtual

Discursive construction about the EF170/MT/PA Railway (Ferrogrão) in Mato Grosso State: to integrate to export


Discourse Analysis. Political Discourse. Legal Discourse. Ferrogrão. Integrate to export.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Teoria e Análise Lingüística

This research presents as theme the political and legal discourse about the Railway Implementation Project EF170/MT/PA, called ‘Ferrogrão’. The historical section of the discursive construction has as the starting point Convention nº 107 of the International Labor Organization (ILO), of June 5, 1957 and the II National
Development Plan, also called II PND (1975-1979). It aims to understand the power relations in the Railway Implementation Project based on the country's commercial relations with the outside world, in order to explain its influence on socioeconomic relations and these in relation to the indigenous people around its layout. The
corpus consists of reports from previous studies carried out by the National Land Transport Agency - ANTT; International Labor Organization Convention No. 107, International Labor Organization Convention No. 169; the FERROGRÃO meeting: dilemmas and challenges for the sustainability of a major infrastructure project in the Amazon held on April 24, 2018, in the Chamber of Deputies; open letters from indigenous people addressed to the Federal Government; the II National Development Plan (PND), as well as the content of Provisional Measure 758/2016. Theoretical and methodological procedures are supported by the Discourse Analysis discipline of the French line and mobilizes the concepts of discourse, subject, social places and relations of strength and power, based on the studies of Michel Pêcheux, Denise Maldidier, Paul Henry, Eni Orlandi, Freda Indursky, among other authors of this theoretical line. These notions led to the analytical work of the corpus that resulted in two pendular movements between the theoretical contribution and the analysis: 1st Movement: the discursive
contradiction in the constitution of the social subjectivity of the indigenous person as a subject of law in the project of the Ferrogrão Railway and the 2
nd Movement: integrate to export - the meanings of 'integrate' and the symbolization of the relations of strength and power. The analysis points out contradictions in the legal and governmental discourse on the recognition of indigenous people as subjects of law, at the same time
that it refers to an 'integrate to export', the result of a mobilization of meanings that come from integrating large centers with the interior of the country - to integrate not to deliver - to integrate the interior of the country with the international market.

Presidente - 86172006 - CRISTINNE LEUS TOME
Interno - 131949001 - LUCIO JOSE DUTRA LORD
Externo ao Programa - 121144002 - CLAUDIA LANDIN NEGREIROS
Externo à Instituição - FERNANDO ZOLIN VESZ - UFMT
Externo à Instituição - Freda Indursky - UFRGS
Notícia cadastrada em: 07/07/2020 14:15
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