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DATA : 27/05/2022
HORA: 14:00

Socioeconomy and environmental fragility in Sinop and Terra Nova do Norte, Mato Grosso


environmental characterization; land occupation and use process; social, economic and environmental transformations; environmental fragility, environmental elements.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Biologia Geral

The present study addresses the process of territorial occupation, land use and the environmental fragility of the municipalities of Sinop and Terra Nova do Norte, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The choice of these two municipalities was due to the peculiarities that involved the implementation of their colonization projects. The two municipalities come from the occupation policies implemented by the federal government in the 1970s, through the occupation policies of the federal government and also of the private sector. Over the years, both municipalities have undergone intense processes of landscape transformation, especially with regard to the physical environment. The municipality of Sinop with the development of agriculture and Terra Nova do Norte with livestock. The objective of the study was to analyze the social, economic and environmental transformations in the municipality of Sinop and Terra Nova do Norte/MT, identifying the environmental weaknesses. This study is structured in four chapters. The first refers to the environmental characterization (geology, relief, climate, soil and hydrography) carried out by means of a survey of environmental aspects, through information obtained in the RADAMBRASIL project report, and in the following databases: SEPLAN (Secretariat of State of Planning), INMET (National Institute of Meteorology) CPRM (Geological Service of Brazil) IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), ANA (National Water Agency) and EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), as well as fieldwork . Data processing was performed through the geographic information system, ArcGis 10.6 software for making the maps. The study made it possible to understand the physical elements that constitute the two municipalities studied and how they interrelate and influence the use/occupation process in each municipality. The second chapter deals with the analysis of the social, economic and environmental transformations that took place in the two municipalities, through a survey of the occupation process, land use and socioeconomic indicators. The procedures used were: survey of the historical process of occupation of the municipalities, in the literature and on websites of official bodies (SEPLAG/State Secretariat for Planning and Management, SEPLAN/State Secretariat for Planning), elaboration of the map of use and coverage of the land through the Geographic Information System, ArcGis 10.6 software and analysis of socioeconomic indicators, which were carried out through the collection of information in the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), SEPLAN (Secretariat of State for Planning), SEPLAG (State Secretariat for Planning and Management), UNDP (United Nations Development Program), CAGED (General Register of Employed and Unemployed), DATASUS (Information Department of the Unified Health System) and SEBRAE (Brazilian Service to Support Micro and Small Enterprises). The study showed that the occupation of the surveyed municipalities followed the occupation dynamics adopted by the Federal Government from 1970 onwards, responding to governmental and private interests. The third chapter aimed to identify and map the environmental weaknesses present in the two municipalities, based on the methodological proposal by Ross (1994), developed to study both environments in natural conditions (potential fragility) and anthropized environments (emerging fragility). The methodological procedures used were: bibliographic research, field work and creation of the database through the institutions CPRM (Company for Research on Mineral Resources), IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) , ANA (National Water Agency) and MAPBIOMAS. This database allowed the survey and analysis of geoenvironmental conditions (geology, geomorphology, soils, drainage, precipitation and land use and cover). In this way, maps of soil, relief, precipitation and land use and cover were generated, through the Geographic Information System, ArcGis 10.6 software, which were confronted to carry out the mapping of potential and emerging environmental fragility. The mapping evidenced the natural conditions and the imbalances of the physical environment caused by the anthropic interventions in the two cities studied. The fourth chapter is under construction, and an analysis will be carried out to identify whether regional environmental elements are part of the curriculum of municipal public schools in both municipalities and how these are worked in the pedagogical practice in the classroom. The research was carried out in two schools, one in each municipality surveyed, with the following procedures: document analysis of the curriculum matrix of the Municipal Education Network and of the Pedagogical Political Project of the schools surveyed; interviews with teachers of the 5th year of Elementary School and application of a questionnaire to the students of the 5th year of Ensin

Interno - 83260001 - AUMERI CARLOS BAMPI
Interno - 80797005 - CARLA GALBIATI
Interno - 84207007 - CAROLINA JOANA DA SILVA
Presidente - 83161001 - CELIA ALVES DE SOUZA
Externo ao Programa - 104796003 - EVALDO FERREIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/04/2022 18:02
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