Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 02/06/2023
HORA: 09:00
THE MEANDROS OF BEAUTY AND UGLY: from the beginnings of Greece to Modernity in the work Nojo, 
by Divanize Carbonieri

Greek myths; fairy tales; Disgust, Divanize Carbonieri.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Letras
SUBÁREA: Literatura Brasileira
This research will be concerned with tracing a historiographical reconstruction of beauty and ugliness
 in three different moments, starting with the narratives that emerged in Ancient Greece, in which the mythical
 bases that will sustain the ideal of these antitheses are found. Thus, there are deities such as Aphrodite, Eros, 
Psyche, Narcissus and Apollo, who were and still are references of what is considered beautiful. In the next 
chapter, the theme will be extended to the Middle Ages, more specifically to the narratives that were popularly 
transmitted orally, that is, told from generation to generation and that, in a way, contributed to establish 
models of the Ugly or the Beautiful. coming from the domestic relations of the time, mainly the projection 
of witches in intellectual women who were ahead of the customs of the time or in severe stepmothers; 
or even the possibility of having a long-awaited "happy ending", achieved thanks to good conduct or at
the expense of a true love capable of shattering the monstrosity of physical appearance and reaching the
 goodness of human essence. In this case, fairy tales will be highlighted as the main examples, 
especially Beauty and the Beast, by Madame de Beaumont. Finally, in the last chapter, the characteristics 
of contemporary narrative will be presented in the context of Mato Grosso literature, bringing up some
 of its most influential representatives, such as Marli Walker, Tereza Albues and Marta Cocco, to then, 
shortly after, enter the work Nojo, by Divanize Carbonieri. Thus, this work will be taken as an object
of study in an attempt to show the dark side of the demands that the image of hegemonic beauty demands, 
especially female beauty, which is pressured by discourses that dictate to the letter how the 
woman of modernity must be in order to that may fit current standards. Therefore, this work also aims
 to reflect on these standards in order to contribute to the deconstruction of these images of 
beauty that are mistaken and certainly do not include the majority and, much less, comprise the 
diversity of beauties that exist in the plurality of beings, more specifically in the case of the female subject.

Interno - 133580001 - ADRIANA LINS PRECIOSO
Interno - 047.411.066-40 - LUCIANA BRANDÃO LEAL - PUCMinas
Externo à Instituição - ANDRÉ REZENDE BENATTI - UEMS
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/05/2023 12:34
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