Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 27/12/2021
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, campus de Alta Floresta

Conflicts between jaguars and cattle farmers in Alta Floresta


Jaguar; Predation, Livestock, Conflicts, Conservation.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Zoologia
SUBÁREA: Zoologia Aplicada
ESPECIALIDADE: Conservação das Espécies Animais

The advance of agribusiness on native vegetation has promoted an increasing isolation of wild animal populations in vegetation islands with limited food supply. These animals end up invading crops or attacking domestic animals to satisfy their metabolic needs, generating damage and conflict with rural producers. Thus, this work aimed to estimate the number of cattle slaughtered by jaguars (Panthera onca and Puma concolor) during one year in a large cattle-producing municipality in the south of the Brazilian Amazon (Alta Floresta –MT). The rural properties were visited during the month of June 2021. Owners or persons responsible for the properties was calculated based on the ownership of cattle on the property and used to cattle lost to jaguars in 2020. Data from one were given. a total of 409 cattle farms. Of this total, there were reports of predation by jaguars in 81 of the properties (19.8%) and in 328 of the properties (80.2%) there was no predation. The total number of cattle from the interviewed properties was 261,888 heads, equivalent to 34.21% of the entire herd in the municipality. Of this total, records of 332 cattle slaughtered by jaguars were obtained, representing a mortality rate of 0.12% over the herd. When these data are extrapolated for the entire municipality, considering the size of the herd, an average of 970 animals slaughtered annually is obtained. As jaguars basically prey on young animals, the value of an 8-month-old cattle and approximately 210 kg was taken as a basis for the monetization of losses in the municipality (local value takes on 24 / / / 2021; 1 US $ = R $ 5, 30). Each lost animal represented $528.3 and thus losses in the county were estimated at $512,451.00. Despite the low lethality of one bovine preyed on every thousand heads, ranchers resent and justify their dislike for jaguars for the monetary damage caused by them, and there is mainly a lack of intervention by government professionals in rural areas to guide ranchers regarding to the anti-predation methods available for application, since there is a vast program option to avoid these losses, which are used by the breeders, because they are not aware of them, since the highest connectivity rate was a thousand meters (m) away, which represented about 13.87% (17848) of the connections, showing the low mobility of the jaguar and the application of some of these methods would mitigate part of the problem. The inexistence of an environmental compensation policy, where overdue ranchers compensate for lost animals and also the political lack of interest in the creation and encouragement of alternatives for the use of these animals, such as observation tourism, results in a constant conflict between ranchers and these predators. While non-main solutions face the conflicts will persist, ranchers will continue to suffer economic losses and jaguars to suffer persecuted and slaughtered.

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