Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 29/01/2021
HORA: 08:00
LOCAL: Alta Floresta

Mapping and characterization of forest restoration in three municipalities in northern Mato Grosso


Forest Gain, Forest Mending, Environmental Regularization, Northern Mato Grosso, Amazon.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Agrárias
ÁREA: Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal
SUBÁREA: Manejo Florestal
ESPECIALIDADE: Fotointerpretação Florestal

Few sources of information exist about secondary vegetation in Brazil, which consists of vegetation originating from areas that were deforested in previous years and later abandoned by use if they regenerated and / or were recomposed by human action. In Mato Grosso, many areas of environmental liabilities have been restored in recent years, due to legal requirements and / or abandonment of use. The objective of the present work, divided into two chapters, was to map and validate the forest restoration (RF) that occurred in the period from 2008 to 2019 and to analyze its spatial distribution over the network of rural properties, Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs), Legal Reserves (RLs) and properties benefited by projects financed by the Amazon Fund in three municipalities in northern Mato Grosso. The study area comprised the municipalities of Alta Floresta, Carlinda and Paranaíta, which together totaled a total area of 1,616,537 ha. The mapping was performed through visual interpretation in freely accessible orbital images. The vectorization scale was 1: 25,000. The mapping validation was carried out through systematic sampling from the polygons that were located within a maximum radius of 50 meters from the axis of the municipal road network. A total of 567 sample areas were selected. All field work was carried out by land using a motor vehicle. To measure the accuracy of the mapping, the Global Accuracy, Conditional Kappa and Tau indexes were used. Net deforestation was calculated by subtracting the RF area from the PRODES / INPE deforestation area. For the spatial distribution analysis, digital cartographic bases of the property limits provided by ICV (2018), APP limits, property limits benefited by the Olhos D’Água da Amazônia (PRODAM) and Nascentes do Buriti projects were used. Rural properties were subdivided into five classes according to the number of fiscal modules (MF) being: Up to 1 MF; from 1 to 2 MF; from 2 to 4 MF; from 4 to 15 MF and above 15 MF. The size of the MF in the three municipalities according to INCRA is 100 hectares. The amount of RF for the period and for the study area was 14,605.1 ha and 7,302 polygons. The accuracy indices showed values of 95.5%, 91.1% and 90.9% respectively, with performance classified as excellent. The average height of vegetation in the sample areas was 7.11 meters. Alta Floresta had 

the highest number of polygons, 4,449, and the largest area, 9,975.4 ha of RF. Carlinda had the best net deforestation balance - 103.7 ha. Paranaíta had lesser performance both in the quantity of RF and in the net deforestation balance. The rural property class above 15 MF was the one that stood out the most, with the highest number of polygons, the largest area and the highest percentage of properties with an incidence of RF. The RF focused more heavily on areas of APP compared to RL. The environmental liability in APP was 22,328.69 ha in the entire study area until the year 2019. The incidence of RF on the areas of APPD between the years 2016 to 2019 was only 7.9%. The PRODAM project was able to achieve its initially proposed goal of recomposing 1,200 ha of forest, while the Nascentes do Buriti project has so far reached 14.3% of the initially proposed goal. Despite efforts, the two projects contributed 9.5% of all RF in the entire study area. The entire database used in the analysis of this work is openly available through the link:

Interno - 253817001 - JULIANA GARLET
Externo ao Programa - 131976001 - JULIO CESAR WOJCIECHOWSKI
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/01/2021 16:02
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