Banca de DEFESA: Luciley Alves da Silva

Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Luciley Alves da Silva
DATA : 26/06/2023
HORA: 17:00
LOCAL: Via Google Meet (


Hydrographic Basin, River Geomorphology; Springs; Sediments.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Geografia

Watersheds form part of an overall view of the behavior of natural conditions and human activities carried out in them. The study was carried out in the Caramujo stream basin in Mirassol D'Oeste in the State of Mato Grosso, with the objective of verifying the geoenvironmental factors, land use and hydrodynamics. The work methodology was developed in several stages: office work (survey and theoretical foundation), field activity (recognition, bathymetry, monitoring of flow velocity and sample collections); laboratory analysis using the pipetting method (total dispersion in physical analysis) and sieving method and to obtain the concentration of the suspended sediments used the evaporation technique. As for the results, the basin registers three geological occurrences: (1) Pantanal Formation - facies alluvial terraces, lithofacilities, Araras - Upper Member and alluvial deposits, with units of the Serrana Province relief, (2) Alto Paraguai Depression (with greater scope) and (3) Plains and Wetlands. The climate of the region is classified according to the Köppen classification, tropical hot and sub-humid. The basin has the following soil classes: Argiluvic Plinthosols, Dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosols, Eutrophic Red Latosols, Eutrophic Red Argisols, Chernosolic Litholic Neosols, Ortic Quartzarenic Neosols and Dystrophic Tb Fluvic Neosols. Hydraulic variables of the sections with greater depth are found in section IV in the flood period (2.15 m) and in the dry period (1.30 m), and the highest speed in m/s in section I in the flood period (1.50 m/s) and in the dry period I (1.58 m/s). And the flow in section I (16.82 m³/s) during the flood and dry season (8.69 m³/s). The highest percentages (%) of bottom sediments were: very coarse sand in section I (5.67), medium sand in section II (3.05), fine sand in section II (12.90), very fine sand in section IV (12.77) silt and clay in sections III and IV (0.07). Process of use and occupation and coverage of the basin is located in the municipalities of Cáceres, Curvelândia and Mirassol D´Oeste. In the basin area there are rural settlements, among them, Margarida Alves, Roseli Nunes settlement, São Saturnino settlement, Brito settlement. Upstream are the resorts Lago Azul, Balneário São Miguel and Rancho Novo Horizonte. The use and coverage of the basin is classified by: Forest Formation, Savanic Formation, Silviculture, Flooded Field or Swampy Areas, Grassland Formation, Pasture, Sugar Cane, Urbanized Area, River and Lakes and Other Temporary Crops.

Presidente - 83161101 - CELIA ALVES DE SOUZA
Interno - 67562030 - MARCOS DOS SANTOS
Externo à Instituição - RENATA DOS SANTOS GALVÃO - UFF
Externo à Instituição - SANDRA BAPTISTA DA CUNHA - UFF
Notícia cadastrada em: 14/06/2023 11:06
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