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DATA : 28/01/2021
HORA: 14:00

Arboreal and epigenic assemblages of Formicidae in different landscapes in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, Brazil 


Mirmecofauna, vertical stratification, Southern Amazon, beta diversity partitioning.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Agrárias
ÁREA: Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal
SUBÁREA: Conservação da Natureza
ESPECIALIDADE: Recuperação de Areas Degradadas

Ants are organisms found in the most varied terrestrial ecosystems with the exception of the poles, playing a multitude of ecological roles ranging from potential dispersers to predators or scavengers performing ecosystem services, which bring positive impacts to the environment. They are currently considered the largest group of social insects with more than 13,000 named species and an estimated biomass of more than 10,000 trillion individuals, which represents most of the animal biomass in tropical forests. Given the characteristics that this group of insects present: relatively developed taxonomy, easy sampling, high values of wealth and abundance in the varied ecosystems of the planet, they are characterized as bioindicator organisms. Thus, this research aimed to get to know the myrmecofauna in different plant formations in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, and to understand how these organisms are structured in a native environment in relation to vertical stratification, where sampling was carried out in two strata (arboreal and epigenic) ) in a remnant of native vegetation in the municipality. In addition, restoration strategies used on a property in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT were evaluated by analyzing the composition (abundance and number of species) of the arboreal and epigenic assemblies of ants. For the sampling of ants, transects of 120 meters in length were established, both with five sampling points equidistant 20 meters from each other and in both sampling points a trap in the ground (pitfall of soil) and a trap in the vegetation (pitfall tree) were installed. ). The collected ants were placed in collecting pots containing 70% alcohol and taken to the State University of Mato Grosso where they were separated from the other collected arthropods, identified at the gender level and reviewed by a specialist. Ants showed values for both abundance and number of higher species in the epigenic stratum in relation to the arboreal stratum, the subfamily Myrmicinae being more frequent in both samples, both in the first and in the second chapter. In addition, the influence of the collection season (drought and rain) on the parameters abundance and number of species and a significant influence of nesting and turnover on the structure of beta diversity in the remaining forest was detected. In the evaluation of the restoration strategies, it was identified that the restoration areas showed diversity superior to pasture and forest fragment, in addition to forming a group distinct from the forest fragment in relation to the similarity in the composition of the ant assemblages, being more similar to the landscape of ants pasture.

Interno - 253995001 - VINICIUS AUGUSTO MORAIS
Interno - 253817001 - JULIANA GARLET
Externo à Instituição - Charlote Wink - UFMT
Externo à Instituição - JARDEL BOSCARDIN - UFU
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/01/2021 08:15
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