Manoki; Know and Do; Ethnomathematics; time markers
This work is an investigation of Manoki time markers and makes an ethnographic record of stories, learning, observations, rituals and cultural festivals for the understanding of the Manoki universe and its location in space. Through recording strategies, conceptions about time, space and ritual can be related, realizing how the Manoki, through observation of the sky and nature, orient themselves and, as a consequence of learning about the stories heard, look at the sky at night and manage to make an understanding reading of everything you need to live in time and space. This analysis takes into account the Manoki's native perspective and the transformations in their world and the role these records may have for this people. This work aims to strengthen traditional knowledge and practices and that these consolidate among young people to strengthen the identity of the people themselves. Through this we can work the areas of knowledge in the various forms of real knowledge, whether in the observation of the stars, the sky and the time to make the constructions of the houses and the gardens. In addition to time markers, there are learned signal codes, these are perceived by the song of a bird or the moon or sun with a rainbow around it, or even a yellowish sun in the late afternoon, these codes in many times for the Manoki are omens, someone could get sick or one of the people could die.