Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 20/03/2023
HORA: 13:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Google meet

BETWEEN SILENCES, EXCLUSIONS AND NEGLIGENCIES: the representations of structural racism in Ponciá Vicêncio and Becos da memória, by Conceição Evaristo


Literature and social life. Subalternized voices. Power. Conceição Evaristo

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Letras
SUBÁREA: Literatura Brasileira

This paper is based on the reflection about the representations of structural racism and identity issues of black women, their subalternized voices and the development of power resulting from these relationships in the novels Ponciá Vicêncio and Becos da memória, by Conceição Evaristo, which constitute the corpus of this study. When discussing these two narratives about the meeting of experiences, their forms and representations of the search and reunion, even linked to structural racism, it is possible to realize, in the works, the possibility of black women to produce speech and make themselves heard, from their actions of power with their own, in this environment of subalternity, based on the prism of structural racism. The research seeks theoretical support to address the representations of structural racism in Afro-Brazilian literature in the theses postulated by Fanon (1979, 2008), Almeida (2021), Gonzales (2014), Ribeiro (2021), bell hooks (2019), Grada Kilomba (2019), Carneiro (2020) and Santos (2022); and on the issues of power and its (inter)relations, as well as the human condition, in Arendt (1999, 2005 and 2009) and Spivak (2010). In Evaristo's contemporary narrative, one perceives the affirmation of the culture of the subalternized black people. The culture comes out of the bourgeois paradigms and presents itself free of this paradigm, since it presents the experiences of black bodies, by these very bodies. Literature as a space of possibilities presents itself as a factor of deconstruction, of transgression, as is proper to Evaristian writing. Literature as a possibility of modification and reconfiguration of the Portuguese language itself as a way of appropriating and openly relating to it without shackles that impede this movement. In the transgressive movement of writing, the possibility of construction in the collective space that is a political space of reconfiguration and formation of concerted action, of the creation of power.

Presidente - 82304001 - JESUINO ARVELINO PINTO
Interno - 131981001 - SHIRLENE ROHR DE SOUZA
Externo ao Programa - 287944001 - JOSE HUMBERTO RODRIGUES DOS ANJOS
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/03/2023 21:08
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