Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Pedro Henrique Santos Ferreira

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Pedro Henrique Santos Ferreira
DATA : 31/03/2023
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Conservação, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso



primary productivity, habitat heterogeneity, alpha and beta diversity, ecological uniqueness, lake ecosystems.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Ecologia
SUBÁREA: Ecologia de Ecossistemas

The Pantanal lakes have a great environmental and spatial variability conditioned according to the seasonal flood pulse of their rivers. The structure of the aquatic insect metacommunity is strongly influenced by local processes that act as environmental filters imposing adaptive adjustments in the biological cycles of the species, and also by factors such as connectivity of lakes and rivers that affect dispersal. In this study, we intend to understand the influence of local and regional factors on the structure of the aquatic insect metacommunity, also considering the variable dispersal pattern and functional complementarity in ecosystems. According to the life history of these organisms, we can classify Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera as having low dispersal ability and high functional feeding diversity (e.g., scrapers, fragmenters, filterers, collectors, and predators), Hemiptera as having medium dispersal ability and low functional diversity (e.g., predators or phytophagous), and Odonata as having high dispersal ability and exclusively predatory. Given this context, we tested the following hypotheses: i) disconnected lakes have higher abundance associated with higher primary algal productivity, providing essential resources for phytophagous and scraping aquatic insects. ii) connected lakes have higher richness, diversity and equity due to the greater heterogeneity of habitats provided by the source of water flow from the main channel, while iii) disconnected lakes are a subset of the species composition of connected lakes, reflecting a nesting pattern associated with environmental homogeneity. iv) Disconnected lakes will have greater β-diversity among themselves compared to connected lakes due to the effect of isolation, and v) greater local contribution to β-diversity (greater ecological uniqueness) as isolation provides restrictive environmental conditions and unique combinations of species adapted to lentic environments. vi) The species that will contribute most to β-diversity (SCBD) will be those that are more common, generalist and broadly occupied reflecting greater dispersal. In 34 lakes distributed in the hydric gradient of the Cuiabá River Basin, in the northern Pantanal Mato-grossense, we collected a total of 6,346 individuals of the four orders, distributed in 21 families and 50 genera. We observed that environmental heterogeneity is directly related to lake connectivity, and more organic matter in the sediment and water turbidity increase the abundance of aquatic insects. We also observed that productivity is negatively associated with diversity. We found lower productivity in disconnected lakes and positive effects on insect abundance, supporting our hypothesis i, and higher habitat heterogeneity in these lakes contradicting our hypothesis ii. Contribution to beta diversity was more related to disconnected lakes, showing greater ecological uniqueness, corroborating our hypothesis iv and v. The genera of greater regional occupation also presented a higher contribution to beta diversity, occurring in about 40% of the sampled lakes, corroborating our hypothesis vi. Connectivity and habitat heterogeneity, expressed by macrophyte diversity, were therefore the major drivers of alpha and beta diversity, which is associated with the degree of ecological uniqueness of species in disconnected lakes. In these lakes, genera adapted to lentic environments benefit from the aquatic vegetation that provides food and shelter. In connected lakes, genera dependent on continuous water flow show greater occurrence and abundance, probably maintained due to source-well flow processes, as in mass dynamics, from smaller tributaries upstream.

Presidente - 691.650.331-91 - YULIE SHIMANO FEITOZA - UFPA
Interno - 295695001 - FABIANO CORRÊA
Externo ao Programa - 126862005 - Nubia França da Silva Giehl
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/03/2023 07:20
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