Banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO: Luis Felipe Magalhães de Menezes

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DISCENTE : Luis Felipe Magalhães de Menezes
DATA : 16/12/2022
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Atividade Remota

Dynamics and intensity of lianas in the tree layer in different vegetations of the Cerrado: a study at the Serra das Araras Ecological Station, Mato Grosso, Brazil


Phytosociology, floristic composition, ecotone

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Ecologia
SUBÁREA: Ecologia de Ecossistemas

The Cerrado has a high diversity of vegetation types, consisting of different compositions and structures of the arboreal layer and this becomes even more complex in adjacent areas of other biomes such as the Amazon and the Pantanal. The Serra das Araras Ecological Station (EESA) is located in the Cerrado, 20 km from the geographical limit of the Amazon and 25 km from the Pantanal. In order to analyze the components of composition, structure and dynamics of the tree layer and the frequency and intensity of lianas in different types of vegetation in the five-year period at EESA, field surveys were carried out in three permanent plots of one hectare (100x100m ) in the years 2016 and 2021. These permanent plots are part of the projects linked to the PELD (PELD III and IV), with data available on and are coded as ESA-01, ESA-04 and ESA-08, allocated in areas defined by the EESA Management Plan as cerradão, cerrado stricto sensu and wooded cerrado, respectively. Census data for 2016 were provided by and for the 2021 census a survey was carried out in October 2021 following the RAINFOR methodology. It was adopted as an inclusion criterion for tree individuals from ESA-01 with DAS ≥ 10 cm (diameter at 1.30 m from the ground) in the 2016 measurement and ESA-04 and ESA-08 with DAS ≥ 5 cm. This level of inclusion of specimens was also adopted for measurements from 2021 onwards in ESA-01. Diameter and height measurements were taken using a ZIMMER standardized diametric tape (5m) and a STANLEY TLM 165 laser measuring tape (50m), respectively. All plots are georeferenced. In the analysis of the results, the sampling effort curve, richness, ecological groups and Shannon-Weaver Diversity (H'), Simpson (D) and Pielou Equability indexes were considered for the composition. For the structure, Basal Area (AB), Relative Density (DR), Relative Dominance (DoR), Relative Frequency (FR), Coverage Value (CV) and Importance Value (VI) were analyzed. For the analysis of the dynamics, the descriptors adopted were: Average annual mortality rate (M) and recruitment (R), Half-life time (T1/2), duplication (T2) and replacement (Rep) and Gain rate in basal area (G) and loss in basal area (P). To analyze the intensity of lianas, a survey was carried out visually, categorizing 0 (no presence), 1 (lianas occupy up to 25% of the canopy), 2 (up to 50% of the canopy), 3 (up to 75% of the canopy) and 4 (100% of the canopy), following the RAINFOR methodology. The results produced for ESA-01 point to the gain of new tree individuals and biomass and that the forest is in a regeneration stage. The results regarding the ecological group show us that Pioneira had less expressive gain in abundance, being 11% of its previous population (26) when compared to Secondary Initial and Secondary Late with gains of 34 and 37% equivalent to the gain of 67 and 25 individuals from its previous population. In terms of richness, pioneers had 19 species in 2016 and 22 species in 2021, SI had 27 and later 31, while ST had 20 and later 24 species. This is also verified by comparing the analyzes of the 2016 and 2021 censuses regarding: reduction of the VI of the pioneer species Attalea speciosa Mart. ex Spreng from 80.95 to 70,47 and the expressive increase of VI in other arboreal individuals such as the initial secondary species Cupania castaneafolia Mart. from 7.19 to 12,72. As for VI, Pioneers had 47,01% of the total and decreased to 42,68%, SI added up to 31,41% and increased to 32,87% of the total and Late Secondary added up to 13,86% and increased to 16,53% of the VI total when compared between 2016 and 2021. The increase in richness from 86 to 97 species, the total abundance from 523 to 615, the higher recruitment rate (4,01 %.) of the that of mortality (1,14 %.) and IPA (2,32 Mg.) indicate that this forest is in a process of increasing its individuals and biomass. The intensity of lianas in ESA-01 was less expressive in 2021 than in 2016. For the analyzes of ESA-04 and ESA-08, the same procedures were adopted and the same descriptors used in ESA-01 were used, but with the objective to carry out a comparison between the two plots, since they are phytophysiognomies of savanna formation with different characteristics and how the load of lianas has been shown in relation to these phytophysiognomies in this arboreal formation. The analyzes of plots ESA-04 and ESA-08 are in production, with the expected results showing that there are differences between the composition, structure and dynamics of the arboreal platform in these areas, combined with the advancement of species characteristic of the Amazon and the influence of lianas in these different vegetations.

Presidente - 83215001 - MARIA ANTONIA CARNIELLO
Interno - 71440008 - MANOEL DOS SANTOS FILHO
Externo à Instituição - ROBERTA DOS SANTOS SILVA - UFT
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/12/2022 15:05
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