Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 15/12/2023
HORA: 13:30
LOCAL: sala remota - videoconferência

The effects of meaning in translingual practices among teachers and students of state schools in Sinop/MT


KEYWORDS: Discourse Analysis. Foreign languages. Translanguage. BNCC.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Teoria e Análise Lingüística

This thesis, linked to the area of concentration Studies of Linguistic Processes, in the line of research Studies of Discursive Processes, in the Graduate Program in Linguistics – PPGL – Unemat, Cáceres, Mato Grosso, which presents as its theme the effects of meanings in practices translinguals and their importance for language teaching and learning in state schools in Sinop, in order to assist in the construction of discursive knowledge of foreign language teachers and students, arose from the interest in understanding the discursivities materialized in these practices and more specifically how the language materiality develops and makes sense in contexts of translingual practices in the classroom. The theoretical procedures that support it at the methodological and analytical level are the concepts of discourse, effects of meaning, production conditions arising from Materialist Discourse Analysis considering the studies of Michel Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi; of Translingual Pedagogy with Zolin-Vesz, of polylingualism and polysemy with Eni Orlandi and multilingualism, translanguage with García, among others. It is intended to report, map, identify, understand and analyze discursive practices in motion in schools. It is expected to contribute to the development of pedagogical strategies, aiming at improving and facing the contemporary challenges of teaching languages. The corpus will consist of interviews, written and media materials produced or used by foreign language students and teachers. And also by the BNCC with regard to the Foreign Language of Elementary and Secondary Education; of the seven Brazilian Constitutions and the three Laws of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, in addition to Law n. 13,415/2017 that promotes the replacement of Modern Foreign Language by English Language. An analysis of the foreign languages studied and present in various curricula of Brazilian municipal, state, federal and private schools is also presented, showing how the writers of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC-2018), when choosing to place the English language as a the official Modern Foreign Language of Brazil, promoted the erasure of other Languages, even modifying the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (1996), which points to Foreign Languages - and not just the English Language - as a curricular component. It is concluded that those responsible for education in the Federal Government and the editors of the BNCC, when changing a foreign language to an English language, intensify the myth of monolingualism, unify the disfavor of Brazilian education and deepen even more the existing stigmas in relation to other languages, be they the Spanish, French, for example, and also others like Baniwa, Talien, Pomeranian, etc. which are co-official in Brazilian municipalities and which can be taught and studied as foreign languages. In this sense, the translingual practices observed in teachers and students of the state education network in Sinop, Mato Grosso, are configured as daily discursive practices.


Externo ao Programa - 86172006 - CRISTINNE LEUS TOME
Externo à Instituição - Debora Raquel Hettwer Massmann - UFAL
Presidente - 722.675.428-20 - ENI DE LOURDES PUCCINELLI ORLANDI - UNEMAT
Externo ao Programa - 132232001 - MARISTELA CURY SARIAN
Interno - 73774008 - PAULO CESAR TAFARELLO
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/12/2023 14:43
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