Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 02/05/2029
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Cáceres

 the discursive memory of language considers the discourse of writing in the schoo


Keywords: Language; Speech; Writing; School.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Teoria e Análise Lingüística

The study on the discursive memory of language considers the discourse of writing in the school when passing through the displacements of language to discourse, including the subject-form and the homogenization of the language by its writing. The Portuguese language teaching policies led to the effect of senses concealed by the officialization of the language, triggering the memory of the senses and the re-updating of the discourses. The inscription in the social memory of the Portuguese language by the fairy tales and their conditions of production produced as the teaching of Portuguese language, surrounded by the evidence of the obligatoriness to study, conceals the imposition of the state on the policies of domination by the language. The proposed linguistic study is related to the Discourse Analysis theory, operating with some discursive concepts, such as discourse and interdiscourse, discursive memory and narrative still of paraphrase / polysemy, with respect to the functioning of repetition / difference as a in order to analyze the effects of meanings in discursive sequences of versions of fairy tales produced by state school students, the functioning of the discourse of writing by the inscription of the subject in the memory of the language. The analysis material consists of discursive sequences produced by elementary school students from the 7th and 8th years of a state school located in the capital of Mato Grosso. Upon receiving the excerpt from the first paragraph of the story The Frog, written on a sheet, the student should continue it considering the given beginning, without any reading or other specific preparation for this writing. Among the productions made, eight of them were selected that could show possible regularities regarding the discursive memory of the language and the effect of the meanings of the speech of the writing in the school. These productions showed that these activities of Portuguese language in the classroom act as a space for repetition and that the school functions as a portal to the world of legitimacy / officiality evidenced in / by the discourse of writing, as defended by the policies of language teaching Portuguese State. In this way, the school, while promoting the mastery of the cultured norm, produces a lack for the student subject. Therefore, it is possible to propose the polysemic game considering the memory of the languages that materialize in the school productions that this study hopes to contribute / air the discursive space of the Portuguese language classes.

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