Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 23/06/2023
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Cáceres - (Via Google Meet)

The Diary in the Classroom: articulating reading, linguistic variation and text production


Diary. Linguistic variation. Reading. Writing. Portuguese language.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Letras
SUBÁREA: Língua Portuguesa

This project is the result of research, which was designed and built within the scope of the Professional Master's Degree in Letters - PROFLETRAS, and had as a work proposal to develop a pedagogical intervention in the curricular component of the Portuguese Language at the Marechal Dutra State School, located in the center of Rondonópolis – MT. The purpose of the work was to contribute to the written production of students in the 9th grade of Elementary School from a perspective of linguistic variation through the daily textual genre. Therefore, this research and intervention work was based on the theoretical concepts of Textual Linguistics and Variationist Sociolinguistics by perceiving the text as a teaching unit, focusing on the students' written production. We adopted the “Didactic Sequence” by Dolz, Noverraz & Schneuwly (2004) as a tool for carrying out this project. The beginning of the text studies was through the presentation, reading, analysis and activities of the book Quarto de Despejo, this work is a diary of a favelada, (slum dweller) presents the author's reality and a great linguistic diversity. In this way, we worked on some specificities of the genre and aspects related to the fabric of the text with the students who, in addition to reading and analysis, produced their diaries, chose a fragment to carry out revision and rewriting, which composed the final product - a Diary from the team. The pedagogical practices sought to highlight the heterogeneous and variable character of the language in activities that started with the reception and analysis of the students' initial productions. With the development of this intervention, it was verified the need for a differentiated work in Portuguese, treating the text as a starting and ending point. It was possible to verify a positive result in the writing of all students who were involved in all stages of the project, allowing the understanding of the possibility of their texts circulating outside the school environment. It was still possible to verify that the work with the diary genre in a perspective of linguistic variation contributed to the written production of the students, proving to be an important path for the teaching of Portuguese.

Presidente - 82355001 - JOSE LEONILDO LIMA
Externo ao Programa - 100828003 - NEUSA INES PHILIPPSEN
Externo ao Programa - 639.942.249-34 - ROSANA NUNES ALENCAR -
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/06/2023 23:50
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