Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 13/12/2021
HORA: 08:00
LOCAL: Sala de vídeo conferência do Campus

Interpretative Trail at Ceplac: Accessible space for teaching Environmental Education and Amazon ecology


Environmental Education, Accessibility, Social Inclusion

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Botânica
SUBÁREA: Botânica Aplicada

The Amazon biome has a significant biological and socio-environmental value for the world, harboring a great diversity of species of flora, fauna and traditional knowledge of local communities, therefore, environmental issues must be addressed in a way that people understand the real importance of the preservation and conservation of the environment, entering into this scenario the Environmental Education. Awareness, solidarity, equality and respect for human rights should be encouraged, making use of democratic strategies and interaction between cultures. The issue of the lack of accessibility on ecological trails for all people, including those with disabilities (PwD), motivated us to formulate this work, which aimed to build an interpretive trail in a conservation area in the South of the Amazon, as an instrument of direct contact with nature, ensuring accessibility even for people with disabilities, whether physical, mental, intellectual or sensory. The trail was opened in an area of 500 hectares of native Amazon forest, located in the experimental area of the Executive Committee of the Cacao Crop Plan (CEPLAC) in the municipality of Alta Floresta, in the southern Amazon of Mato Grossense. The trail followed ICMBio's foundations and trail planning, classifying it as “Class 5 trail (high intervention), with adaptations along the route aiming at accessibility and social inclusion, as well as moments of interpretation on the trail, with the sharpening of the five senses. For data collection, we used the application of questionnaires as a research instrument. We carried out 11 visits, serving 107 volunteer people, 81 people without disabilities (76%) and 26 people with disabilities – PwDs (24%), which cover: Visual (blind and low vision); Auditory (deaf); Physics (in wheelchair and low mobility); Intellectual and Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Bringing the focus to the main questions, in the pre-questionnaire when asked if they knew the forest in our region, 28% said they knew it reasonably, 23% said they knew it well and 24% knew it very well, and about 40% of the visitors said they had reasonable knowledge about the plants and animals in the region and 28% said they had a good knowledge of the fauna and flora. And for the post-questionnaire, about 68% of the volunteers said the connection with nature through the trail was very good and that it served as an efficient tool and how much experience about accessibility and inclusion when walking on the trail, 13% of the 26 people with disabilities ( PwDs) said the experience was good. We verified acceptable approval from visitors through analysis of the questions asked of each of them. Therefore, the construction of the trail proved to be an efficient instrument for direct contact with nature, bringing the focus of knowledge about the Amazon forest, in addition to bringing to light the opinion of PwDs who for a long time were excluded from experiences within a forest. Therefore, we believe that our work will serve as a basis for future studies with trails of this model, this being a pioneer study in the region, mainly focused on accessibility and social inclusion within the forest.

Interno - 253817001 - JULIANA GARLET
Externo ao Programa - 68840001 - MARION MACHADO CUNHA
Notícia cadastrada em: 07/12/2021 14:47
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