Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 10/04/2023
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: universidade do estado de mato grosso
Landscape analysis of the Limeira stream hydrographic sub-basin: pedological characterization and contribution to environmental management


environmental components; usage and coverage; management.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
ÁREA: Geociências
SUBÁREA: Geografia Física

The Limeira stream sub-basin is located at the interface of the Serrana Province and Baixada Cuiabana with a flat landscape and subject to seasonal flooding. It is a reception area for sedimentary material from the surroundings and with high levels of carbonates. Thus, the objective of this work is to analyze the landscape of the hydrographic basin of the Limeira stream, proposing reflections on its physical dynamics. The research proposal aims at the characterization of the natural landscape, seeking to understand the physical characteristics of the area and their influence on pedological formation, in addition to collecting data for a diagnosis and contribution to environmental management. To this end, office activities were initially carried out: theoretical research, survey of environmental characteristics, elaboration of the cartographic base (the data/files were processed and manipulated in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment, using the ArcMap extension of the ArcGIS software, version 10.6.) and writing the dissertation. Field work was carried out with the aim of analyzing and describing the landscape, as well as the morphological description of a pre-selected soil profile with direct influence of carbonate-rich sediments and, finally, the stage of data systematization and writing of the dissertation . Initially, the study describes the environmental components in the sub-basin of the Limeira stream and shows the geological occurrences: Raizama Formation (1.86 %), Araras Upper Member Formation (4.02 %), the Cuiabá Group (27.13 % ), the Pantanal Formation with the largest area within the sub-basin, representing 67%. Three relief units were identified: Serra Province (9.79%), Pantanal de Poconé (22.21%) and Cuiabana Depression (67.86%). The soil classes occurring in the sub-basin were: Dystrophic Argilúvic Plinthosol (0.14 %), Eutrophic Red-Yellow Argisol (24.86 %), Eutrophic Red Argisol (38.45 %), Dystrophic Litholic Neosol (4.29 %), Eutrophic Haplic Planosol (0.58%) and Orthic Hydromorphic Vertisol (22.92%). It recorded greater occurrences of Argisols and Vertisols. The typical Hydromorphic Carbonate Vertisol was described and classified and is found at the foot of the Serra da Campina in flat relief of the plain of the Limeira stream, formed from sediments originating from carbonate rocks of the Araras Formation. The pluviometric data obtained in the sub-basin of the Limeira stream demonstrate a variation, in the environments of the upper course and medium, the levels of precipitation during the year vary from 650 mm to 690 mm. In the lower course, precipitation levels are slightly higher, ranging from 700 mm to 710 mm. The vegetation cover of the study area is distributed as follows: Wooded savannah without gallery forest (67 %), forested savannah (21 %), Grassy-woody savannah without gallery forest (0.88 %), Park savannah without gallery forest (2.91%), Livestock (7.65%) and 0.14% water bodies. Residents develop some activities such as animal husbandry (pigs, chicken, sheep, beef cattle and dairy cattle), the latter being the main source of income for most residents. Livestock activity corresponds to 7.5% of the area comprising 15.96 km2 in the sub-basin. The sub-basin of the Limeira stream is an important area for the observation and description of the elements that compose the landscape and the processes that determine its potential and limitations, contributing as information for environmental management.

Presidente - 452.893.521-04 - JUBERTO BABILONIA SOUSA - IFMT
Interno - 83161101 - CELIA ALVES DE SOUZA
Externo à Instituição - JOSIEL DORRIGUETTE DE OLIVEIRA - Dep. Fran
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/04/2023 09:09
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