Angelim saia, seed vigor, biometrics, forest species.
Parkia pendula (Will.) Benth. ex Walp., popularly known as Angelim Saia, is a native species of the Amazonian upland and lowland forest, very important for the recovery of degraded areas, due to its rapid growth and for having a high survival rate in clearings. It has an ecological function in the recovery of degraded areas because it is a rapidly growing climatic species in open environments, by nitrogen fixation and by attracting wild animals. The inadequate exploitation of natural resources has been causing the extinction of a large number of species in the different biomes of the planet. Among the various causes of these extinctions, the most common are habitat loss and fragmentation. In view of this reality, there is an urgent need for genetic studies at the population level, so that strategies for managing and conserving genetic species can be established. Biometric studies help to determine different phenotypic parameters among individuals in a population, and are important instruments in the detection of genetic variability in populations of the same species and also in the inference of the relationships between variability and environmental factors. Therefore, this chapter aimed to characterize the biometry of fruits and seeds of the Parkia pendula forest species from different matrices in the North of the State of Mato Grosso and to evaluate the genetic divergence between the matrices, in order to obtain data to serve as a subsidy for future research related to the conservation of the species.